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Copyright Protection for Central Florida Artists and Content Creators

Author name: anckrdev

Copyright Protection for Central Florida Artists and Content Creators

Are you an artist or creative? Then you know that the most difficult thing about creating art and other content is the actual creation of that work. The second most difficult thing is getting other people’s attention to focus on the thing you have created and getting them to buy it so that you can make […]

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International IP Protection: Expanding Your Small Business Globally

Your small business’s intellectual property (IP) is among the most valuable assets in your company. Your intellectual property includes such intangible assets as copyrights, patents, names, logos, designs, automated processes, and trade secrets. These are your business’ – your brand’s – defining traits, the first things people see when they look you up. They need proper

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Trade Secrets in Contracts: Key Considerations for Business Agreements

Trade secrets are one of the most important examples of intellectual property for businesses, both large and small. This is especially the case for businesses that create original flavors, content, or data not produced by their competitors. For example, perhaps the most closely guarded trade secret in the U.S. might be the Coca-Cola formula. To

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Employee Confidentiality Agreements: A Vital Component of Trade Secret Protection

Not all companies and corporations consider themselves to be in the business of keeping secrets, but nearly all benefit from the trade secrets they keep. A trade secret is a valuable intellectual property (IP) that helps a business operate, stay ahead of the competition, and keep its plans from public view. Trade secrets can include,

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Trade Secrets vs. Trademarks, and Copyrights: Understanding the Differences

What do trade secrets, trademarks, and copyrights all have in common? They’re legal terms for different types of intellectual property (IP). Your intellectual property is among the most essential elements you may possess as a business owner or creative individual. And, since it is so important, it’s wise to take the time to familiarize yourself

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Common Mistakes to Avoid When Trademarking Your Brand

Just as it is important to register your trademark, it is also important to register it the right way. There are many possibilities to make mistakes and trip yourself up along the way as you seek trademark protection for your intellectual property (IP). For many, especially new start-ups, these trademark mistakes are understandable. You have

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Franchising Your Central Florida Business: Legal and Regulatory Steps

Central Florida is among the hottest places to own and operate a franchise business, either as the franchisor (the entrepreneur with the licensed business model) or as a franchisee (the party that owns and operates the company using the established business model). If you’re a business owner, you already know about many of the complicated

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Drafting Central Florida Business Contracts: Legal Best Practices

Whether you’re signing a new employee to a job opening, entering into a relationship with new business partners, or hiring contractors to finish a job, business contracts are at the core of working together to get things done. In business, the difference between a well-written business agreement and a poorly worded contract is often the

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Breach of Contract Claims in Central Florida: Legal Rights and Remedies

We build our businesses on the contracts we agree on with our staff, suppliers, and business partners. A well-written business contract can be the thing that holds us together and keeps the ship afloat, so to speak. But what happens when the contract we sign is not honored? What happens when one party breaches the

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